Wellness Gardener

Hello, I’m Wendy Farrell, and I reside on the beautiful Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.

My wellness journey began over 30 years ago, marked by struggles with various health challenges. While I experienced numerous miracles along the way, the path was not always smooth. I encountered feelings of hopelessness, frustration, and isolation—emotions that can cast a dark shadow over your life and make you feel unworthy of love, joy, or peace.

Through my studies, I have come to understand a profound truth: God has placed everything we need for our journey right inside us. He uses various resources, tools, and people to partner with Him in our growth, healing, and character development. In exploring the amazing world of Energy, I discovered that we are all made in the image of our Creator. We are vibrant energy and light, equipped with the most incredible brains.

Why Wellness Gardener?

This revelation deepened my appreciation for the healing journey and sparked a desire to assist others in their own paths to wellness. When I spoke with God about this calling, He affirmed that He had been waiting for me to embrace my purpose.

And so, I am honored to be called His Wellness Gardener.

Wellness Gardener

It might help to think of it in terms of the parable from the Bible of “The Sower”.

You are created to be “Good Soil” that produces a good harvest.

Good Soil

Unfortunately life happens...



The little niggling things that happen turn our soil to gravel so any good seed growing in that soil, when life gets tough, the seedling withers away.



Your soil gets overgrown with weeds or thorns, or you might produce a big tree with deep roots, but have parasite plants growing and chocking the tree.


rocky soil

Life has been very rough resulting in your soil becoming rocky or you might have built a rock wall around your heart to protect you.

I work with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, combined with the tools I have studied, I use muscle testing (via proxy), to connect with your subconscious, to pull out the weeds, till the soil, remove the rocks and plant in good seed so you can do what you’re meant to do which is grow and multiply.

Book a Clarity Call to discuss your situation now.

Wendy Farrell

  • Certified Emotion Code® Practitioner
  • Certified Body Code® Practitioner
  • Certified Belief Code® Practitioner
  • Healing In The Kingdom Certified Ambassador
  • 100X Academy Certified
  • Trained Sozo facilitator
  • 101 Brain Gym®101
  • B.A. (Psychology)
Emotion Code
Body Code Practitioner
certified belief code